No. 27 - On Becoming Fearless

What would you do if you knew you could not fail? Learn to paint? Start a new career? Tell someone you love them? Fear holds us back so frequently and, most of the time, for no reason other than the undesirability of failure (some of us may also suffer from a little perfectionism - speaking for a friend of course). So let's make a pact that this week we'll practice becoming fearless together. Just let me first grab a cup of tea ...


Where are you on your path to becoming fearless? Have you convinced yourself that you're content with the status quo, ignoring or letting go of your deepest desires—the ones you keep hidden in the places only you know? Or are you pushing through the barrier of fear to bring those dreams into the spotlight where they belong?

Either way, this week, I challenge you to pause and consider what it would take to do start or take the next step on your personal 'big scary thing' adventure. Grab a cup of tea, close your eyes, and picture yourself not just doing it, but living in the result. How does it feel? Exhilarating? Vibrant? Joyful? Feel yourself becoming fearlessness. Then, take the first step. It’s the scariest one, but once it’s behind you, it becomes part of the past. And, just like the tea leaves that settle to the bottom, once the first step is taken, you are well on your way to enjoying the result - like an exquisite cup of tea.


But what happens if we fail? What if the teacup shatters? Instead of discarding it, step back and ask what else can be done. In the Japanese art of Kintsugi, a broken cup is but an opportunity to create something even more beautiful. Kintsugi involves mending broken pottery with gold, embracing the flaws to form a stronger and more exquisite piece.

Why not apply this concept to failures beyond shattered teacups? By practicing on our own small failures—stepping back and considering what can be made from the broken pieces of our efforts—we might discover the seeds of incredible success. And with that practice, those small mistakes, missteps, and occasional broken teacups become lessons in becoming fearless. They prepare us to persevere, even if the whole cupboard comes crashing down. After all, it’s just many small broken cups—and countless opportunities to create something beautiful.


The effects of fear can be deeply physical. Your chest tightens, shoulders tense, and your stomach churns. A quick Google search on the "effects of prolonged fear on the body" will reveal page after page of research linking persistent fear to increased risks of various health issues we'd rather avoid. So, while fear has its place in keeping us safe from danger, practicing fearlessness can greatly enhance our well-being.

This practice requires fortitude and, for lasting success, a clear mind. It's no secret that treating our mind and body well —nourishing food, rest, time in nature, and calming practices are essential foundations—gives us the energy required to move confidently through life. So, before embarking on your next adventure, take a moment to nurture yourself. Pause, grab a well-crafted cup of tea, and become fearless.

One more thing...

"The past no longer exist
The present is what we have
The future is what we want"
- Alicia Cutcliffe, Kintsugi Verses: Mending Souls with Broken Words

Until next time,
Steep Calm.

No. 27 - On Becoming Fearless
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