No. 30 On Embracing Autumn

Autumn is officially here. Season of pumpkins and candles, shorter days and longer nights. You can feel the world softening as we transition out of the bright and carefree energy of summer and into the focused and industrious nature of fall. As the squirrels start gathering their nuts, I'm saying goodbye to the last of the tomatoes, harvesting the herb garden, and loving all things apple. As I embrace this season of change with equal parts reflection and action, I am also reminded that balance between productivity and rest is necessary. Perhaps the answers to finding perfect balance are at the bottom of my next cup of tea? In the meantime, I have a few ideas...


With the industrious nature of the season, it can be easy to forget to embrace the gentler side of autumn. Whether our time and energy are spent preparing the garden, tackling a big project, or just maintaining a state of flow, we can quickly become so absorbed that we allow the days to whip by like dried leaves in an autumn storm. While we may want to put our focus on productivity, to build the biggest acorn pile that ever was built, let's also remember to take time to pause, to step into nature and breathe in the crisp autumn air, to bask in the last rays of gloriously afternoon sunlight, to make a habit of an evening walk under the turning leaves with a lovely cup of tea. After all, a little serenity goes a long way.


Knowing when to rest and reset also plays a role in our resilience and ability to persevere through the ebb and flow of life. The question is: when and how will you know it's time? One way is to plan ahead by starting to think of the calendar as an energy budget. For most of us, our calendars are full of withdrawals - events and meetings, deadlines and dentist appointments. If you view it as a budget, many of us are energy bankrupt by the end of the week. Since our ability to persevere depends on whether we are running at a loss, breaking even, or have soaring profits, shouldn't we ensure there are some deposits in there too? Reserve time for reading, walking, baking pies - whatever helps you rest and reset. Be realistic, schedule your 'deposit' and then stick with it. Monday, 9:00 am - Cup of Tea.


Hopefully, somewhere on the calendar, you will make a few appointments to care for both body and mind. From nourishing meals to intentional self-care routines, there are many simple ways to prioritize your health that take very little time. A Stanford University study on controlled breathing exercises found that "cyclic sighing" was the most effective, of the methods studied, for improving mood. The technique involves inhaling slowly through the nose until the lungs are expanded, followed by a second, shorter inhale to fully fill the lungs. Then, slowly and fully exhaling through the mouth or nose. Repeat this pattern of breathing for five minutes, or about as long as it takes to boil the kettle. Remember, just like making a great cup of tea, making change takes time. Monday 8:55 am - Cyclic Sighing.

One more thing...

“And the sun took a step back,
the leaves lulled themselves to sleep
and Autumn was awakened.”
- Raquel Franco

Until next time,
Steep Calm.

No. 30 On Embracing Autumn
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