No. 34 - On choosing between anxiety and excitement (with a cup of tea)

I’ve had a full-out week with my mind running full speed (thank goodness for Nightcap!). So many things are steeping and I'm super excited about one of them ... announcement coming soon - stay tuned!!! And with the excitement are butterflies in my tummy. If I didn't know better, or was in a less than positive mood, I might think that I was feeling anxious instead of excited. But I know better, and I also know I can choose between them. Wait what?! Yup, just like choosing great cup of loose tea, it's a choice I'll make time and again.

Anxiety or Excitement?

Choosing the emotion

I have a wise friend who is a confidence coach; she once pointed out to me that the body sensations associated with anxiety and excitement—how they feel deep in our bones—are the same. Let that sink in for a moment, and then consider this: in many cases, we can choose which one we are feeling. Seriously! While there are certainly events and times where anxiety is, in fact, the correct emotion, and although we shouldn’t hide from anxiety—it’s a crucial emotion that keeps us safe—knowing that, much of the time, you can decide between the two? It’s like magic.

Practice makes beau-tea-ful

If you already know this, you also know it’s a bit like everything else in life—it takes practice. But once you’ve mastered it, hurrah! You’ve gained a new superpower. How do you practice? According to Brené Brown in Atlas of the Heart (one of the most beautiful and useful coffee table books you'll find), “[t]he labels are important because they help us know what to do next.” Real anxiety? She recommends sitting with it and listening to what’s going on. And if one is going to sit, one should grab a cup of tea (my idea, not hers but makes sense). Maybe there’s something we can do—someone we can call, a friend or family member to act as a sounding board or provide reinforcement. Perhaps simple acknowledgment will be enough to let the emotion settle.

Leaning in

Excitement? Lean in and let that emotion propel you forward with the energy of a three-year-old after a five-hour nap! Grab a cup of tea that reflects your path and, instead of tamping down that feeling, turn the vibration in your gut and the buzzing in your brain into beautiful forward motion.

Rooibos for nourishment and calm

And when you’re toiling tirelessly through the day—reaching, springing, leaping forward—remember to pause every once in a while to replenish. Nourish and move your body and, of course, grab a quick cuppa. We’ve all been there—pushing just a little longer than we should to get that last bag of tea packaged, and then we feel it: the brain goes fuzzy, energy fizzles, and we’re left guttering out like a candle without wax. Alongside good, whole food, filling your tea cup with antioxidants and polyphenols will help repair and nourish both body and soul. Rooibos is one of my favourites when it comes to the “beyond caffeine” hours.

Native only to South Africa, it is naturally caffeine-free and low in tannins, so it doesn’t interfere with nutrient absorption, allowing your lunch to go further. According to the Rooibos Council, this earthy and slightly sweet “tea” also delivers nourishing minerals like calcium, magnesium, and zinc—all tied to bone health, sleep, mood, immune function, and blood sugar control. I don’t know about you, but as I head into a hugely exciting and busy season for Island Elixir Tea—and life in general—I could do with a little extra support! Since rooibos is kid-friendly (try Teddy Bear's Picnic), it’s a fantastic option instead of juice or pop, offering the whole family an opportunity to spend a little quali’tea’ time together and dream of the adventures that excite you.

One more thing...

“My dear, here we must run as fast as we can, just to stay in place. And if you wish to go anywhere you must run twice as fast as that.”
- Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Until next time,
Steep Calm.

No. 34 - On choosing between anxiety and excitement (with a cup of tea)
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