No.9 - On letting go

When my son was very little, the Disney movie Frozen was the big hit. He loved the soundtrack and often sang "Let it go, let it go, can't hold me back anymore" on repeat. Children are so good at letting go, and somehow as the years accumulate letting go becomes less easy for many of us. Yet we can learn and practice. Professional athletes are excellent at letting go of that stray shot and re-focusing on the next one. I'm sure you can find examples big and small just in the last day or two of where you easily let go and where you are still firmly holding on. From emotional events to the release of children out into the world to works of art, we know we hold on far longer than we need to but sometimes it can be hard to let go.

Example: I just re-wrote that paragraph four times... time to let it go! This week, I invite you to grab a cup of tea and join me in a little contemplation about letting go.


Nothing disturbs a serene moment like a thought that gets into your mind and won't. get. out. Letting go, groomed through practice and perhaps (or perhaps not) mastered in a lifetime, is a skill and an art. Being human. it is so easy to hang on to events, to thoughts. to emotional loops. In particular, we are hard-wired to react strongly to events that we perceive as a threat to our safety, which makes "completing the cycle" so important. But what about non-threat thoughts, those we perceive as "good" rather than "bad"? Something to ponder this week: If we are to move into, or even dip into, serenity, are we better served by simply enjoying the moment, logging the memory and letting go? A beautiful tea left in the cupboard for a 'special day' eventually loses its flavour. So much better to experience it now, let it transport us to a state of serene contentment and then let it go. After all, there is an infinite reservoir of beautiful moments and ample supply of beautiful teas.


'Part of being optimistic is keeping one's head pointed toward the sun, one's feet moving forward, and letting go of the baggage."

- Nelson Mandela well-being


Our bodies are miraculous storage vessels of both our physical essence and our emotions. No matter how you experience your emotions, whether mentally, viscerally, or in your heart, the body is participating and its a lot to process all that information. Supporting the body is critical to our well-being. There are many fascinating discussions on nutrition and techniques available - a recent favourite of mine is The Knowledge Project interview with Dr. Rhonda Patrick who provided such interesting food tor thought (literally, she talks about food that helps promote cognition). Your tea cupboard can be a marvelous place to find some support. From digestive herbs like chamomile and fennel to liver supportive milk thistle seed to the antioxidant properties of rooibos and 'real' tea, Mother Nature has provided a bounty of beautiful plant properties for us to leverage. Time is well spent listening in and exploring how the body responds to different plants. Just as remaining hungry after you eat may be a sign that you have not consumed the nutrients you body needs, when you drink the tea and listen carefully you may find that the body is looking for something different. Let go of what doesn't resonate and keep experimenting. The joy is in the search.

One more thing...

"Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure." - Oprah Winfrey

Until next time,

Steep Calm.


No.9 - On letting go
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